栏目:部门一 发布时间:2024-10-13

本文摘要:How do journalists use technology in their jobs and in their personal lives? Jacqui Cheng, editor in chief of The Wirecutter, the product recommendations site owned by The New York Times, discussed the tech she’s using.记者如何在工作和个人生活中利用科技?

How do journalists use technology in their jobs and in their personal lives? Jacqui Cheng, editor in chief of The Wirecutter, the product recommendations site owned by The New York Times, discussed the tech she’s using.记者如何在工作和个人生活中利用科技?《纽约时报》辖下的产品引荐网站Wirecutter的主编雅基·郑(Jacqui Cheng)讲解了自己正在用于的技术设备。You test all sorts of hardware to recommend only the best products that people should buy. What are the absolute best pieces of tech that everyone should have today?你不会测试各种各样的硬件,以便只给人们引荐该卖的最差的产品。如今,人人都应当享有的、意味著归属于最上乘的科技单品是什么?Let me say that Wirecutter has never been about promoting consumerism — we’re about buying the right things to fit your life and will last you a while, so you don’t have to think about them. That said, there are a few items that can easily make your life better if you have the funds and need for them.我要说的是,Wirecutter的目标从不是鼓吹消费主义,而是出售合适你的生活,不会陪伴你一段时间,这样你就不必再考虑它们的产品。话虽如此,但如果你有钱人,也有市场需求,还是有一些东西需要精彩提高你的生活。

Those include some kind of USB battery pack that can be plugged into smartphones, e-book devices or quite literally anything that can draw power from USB. If you have a USB-C-compatible MacBook, a USB-C battery is even better since it can plug into your laptop and other devices. A battery can be so useful in unexpected scenarios ranging from getting stuck out at the bars until your phone is dead, to going camping for four days in the wilderness — that’s when you may need to keep the GPS alive on your phone.它们还包括某种USB电池组,可以终端智能手机、电子书设备或可谓任何需要通过USB电池的东西。如果你有一台相容USB-C的MacBook,USB-C电池不会更佳,因为它能终端你的电脑和其他设备。在一些车祸状态下,这种电池也不会十分简单,比如在酒吧仍然待到手机没有电,或者去野外野餐四天——这时,你有可能必须维持手机上的GPS正处于激活状态。

There’s also a Bluetooth tracker for your keys, wallet or any other item that you can never find when you need it. This is probably a little bit of a luxury, but Ive seen so many people’s lives improve by using one of these things.还有一种蓝牙追踪器,它可以用来找寻钥匙、钱包或其他任何你要用时却怎么也去找将近的东西。这有可能有点奢华,但我亲眼了很多人的生活因为这些东西而获得提高的例子。

What are the most important tech tools to do your job running The Wirecutter? What could be better about them?在你运营The Wirecutter的工作中,最重要的科技工具是什么?它们哪些方面还可以之后改良?I have an early 2015 MacBook Pro, which we actually still recommend for people who need “legacy” ports (which I often do). As a longtime MacBook Air fan, I’ll always wish for any laptop computer to be lighter and thinner.我有一台2015年初出厂的MacBook Pro。实质上,我们仍然不会向必须“传统”模块的人(比如我)引荐这款电脑。作为MacBook Air的一名老粉,我总是期望所有笔记本电脑都更加重,更加厚。

On the flip side, battery life seems to be something we can’t quite get comfortable with — Apple’s MacBook Pros enjoyed many years of great battery life, but the latest 2017 versions seem to have taken a major step backward. An older MacBook Pro like mine can actually last a lot longer than a newer MacBook Pro, which is great for me — but, then again, those newer ones are thinner.但另一方面,电池寿命或许是我们不过于失望的地方。苹果MacBook Pro的电池寿命可以宽约多年,但近期的2017款或许经常出现了相当严重的衰退。像我那台电脑那样的老款的电池寿命,实质上有可能远比改版的MacBook Pro长。这对我来说是好事,但又被迫说道,就越新的就越厚。

Another important tool is the Anker PowerCore 20100. It’s our recommendation for people who need more power. (It will fully charge your smartphone every day for a week before it needs recharging.) The only downside is that this is not a small battery.另一个最重要的工具是Anker PowerCore 20100。这也是我们对用电市场需求较小的人士的引荐(每天都把你的智能手机充满著的话,它一周后才必须再度电池)。唯一的缺点是它不是小电池。

If I’m working from home, my Uplift standing desk (one of our recommendations for standing desks over at Wirecutter) has been a lifesaver. Over the last decade and a half, I’ve scraped by with mediocre home office furniture to the detriment of my body and possibly my soul. I honestly regret not getting a standing desk sooner. It’s not really about being able to stand all the time (which research shows isn’t that great for you, either), but that the desk can be so easily adjusted to whatever height you need at a moment’s notice.在家工作时,我的Uplift双脚式办公桌(我们在Wirecutter上引荐的双脚式办公桌之一)老大了我的大忙。在长达15年的时间里,我靠着对我的身体,有可能还有我的灵魂有利的普通家庭办公家具只得凑合着。

我知道愧疚没不来卖个双脚式办公桌。它只不过并不是为了让你需要仍然车站着(研究指出,仍然车站着对人的身体也不好),而是这种桌子好调节,可以随时调整到你必须的任何高度。Smartphone prices are climbing. The new Samsung Galaxy Note 8 will cost nearly $1,000, and a premium version of Apple’s iPhone 8 is set to also cost that much. Do people really need to pay that much for a smartphone?智能手机价格攀升。

新款三星(Samsung)盖乐世Note 8(Galaxy Note 8)的售价将相似1000美元,苹果的低配版iPhone 8很有可能价格非常。人们知道必须花上这么多钱卖一部智能手机吗?No. Don’t get me wrong — I’m a huge nerd, so I love this stuff, but those phones are really about being on the bleeding edge of some high-end consumer technology.不必须。


For a lot of people, what’s important is going to be ease of use (which includes whether all your purchased apps and media are already on one platform or another — Apple or Android), a screen size that is comfortable for your eyes and your hands, and whether it works where and when you need it. Buy the thing that fits your real-world needs.对很多人来说,最重要的是易用性(还包括你出售的所有应用于和媒体都在一个或另一个平台,也就是苹果或安卓上)、让眼睛和双手都深感难受的屏幕尺寸,以及必须时随时随地都能工作。卖合乎你在现实生活中的市场需求的产品。

Outside work, what gadget are you currently obsessed with using in your daily life?工作之外,你目前在日常生活中讨厌用什么东西?This is going to sound weird, but my partner and I have been completely obsessed with the Nest Outdoor camera (which Wirecutter recommends). I’m from Illinois, and I originally set one up to help some family keep an eye out for deliveries. But after watching it for a few weeks, I’ve realized its true entertainment value comes in the form of being a live “home” nature cam. I’ve watched internet reality TV involving opossums, raccoons, foxes, rabbits, and other unidentified night creatures for weeks and can’t stop.听得上去不会有些怪异,我和我的伴侣都很着迷Nest Outdoor摄像头(同为Wirecutter的引荐产品)。我来自伊利诺伊州,最初加装摄像头是为了老大家人注意租车。但仔细观察了几周后,我意识到它确实的娱乐价值在于它是一种实况的“家庭”大自然摄像头。

我在网上看完好几周有负鼠、浣熊、狐狸、野兔和其他未知夜间生物出境的真人秀,显然停不下来。I also keep going more down the rabbit hole on recording string duets and ensembles, plus some fiddle and folk music, with myself using a Yamaha SV-200 electric violin, a supersimple USB audio interface (the Apogee Jam 96k — it came with my violin when I bought it) and an iPhone.还有更加鬼的,我维持着自己用一把雅马哈(Yamaha)SV-200电子小提琴、一个超强非常简单的USB音频接口(卖小提琴时带的Apogee Jam 96k)和一部iPhone录音弦乐二重奏和演奏,还有一些小提琴和民俗音乐的习惯。I’m just an amateur messing around, but this is a real “we live in the future” moment when I think about how easy it is to do my own recordings and potentially upload them to YouTube or SoundCloud, directly to an open-ended internet audience.我只是个瞎了捣鼓的外行,但想起自己轻轻松松地就能录音并上传遍YouTube或SoundCloud上,必要让广大网民听见时,知道是一个让人实在“我们活在未来”的时刻。

What’s the worst consumer shopping habit that you wish would come to an end?你期望消费者改成的最很差的购物习惯是什么?Buying something you didn’t need or weren’t previously planning to purchase, just because it’s marked as being a deal. Marketing has really made it too seductive for many people to separate what they really need and want in their lives from a shiny deal.意味着因为有特价的标签就卖你不必须,或是之前没有想卖的东西。营销知道不会更有很多人,令其他们在自己生活中知道必须和想买的东西,与闪闪发亮的特价牌子之间傻傻分不清楚。As we’ve said many times at Wirecutter, most alleged “deals” are not good for various reasons. Sometimes the item was marked up just before the sale and then marked back down to its normal price as the “deal,” or sometimes manufacturers pull a fast one with SKUs that fool you into buying something different from what you intended.就像我们在Wirecutter上说道过很多次的那样,因为各种各样的原因,大部分所谓的“特价”并不优惠。

有时候,商品的价格只是再行被压低,然后再行降至“特价”,只不过就是长时间价格。或者有时候,厂商会在库存信息上作假,被骗你卖和你计划卖的东西不一样的商品。When you’re deal hunting, my advice has always been: Know which items you’re looking for and what they generally cost. Then you’re much better prepared to make a quick judgment call on whether the “deal” you’re seeing is actually good or not.找寻特价商品时,我的建议一向是:告诉自己在去找什么东西,告诉它们一般来说的价格。


